Which Fruit Plants Have the Greatest Yield

Admin/ February 25, 2024/ Gardening/ 0 comments

On the search for the perfect Fruit Plants for your garden, I’m sure many of you will be looking for ones that are the gifts that keep on giving. Which is why I have gathered a brief list of some of the BEST Fruit Plants for the Greatest Yield!

Have a read over, choose the ones that seem to suit you the best, and give them a go! 



First up on here we have the legendary Tomato! YES – THIS IS A FRUIT, but most people get that wrong, so it’s GOING IN HERE! This is one that we ourselves had a crack at in 2023 using some seeds we pulled out of store bought Tomatoes – and it was going well! Right up until we realized we planted just a little bit too late in the year. They grew beautifully, but didn’t quite have time to ripen before the cold set in, and they sadly perished.

But the joy of Tomatoes is that from every little seed that you nurture into a Tomato Plant (at the right time of year for your climate), you will get back a fair few Tomatoes! So if you are planting a garden full of these seeds, you are going to get a lot of return! The average Tomato Plant will produce 20 to 90 Tomatoes, so you can imagine what that looks like when you start farming a patch! 

Remember to look up everything you need to know about growing your Tomatoes in your climate, and how to prune these plants! Many leaves and shoots can yield nothing and get in the way, so prune regularly to ensure all the available energy is going into the end result!


If you are looking for a lower maintenance Fruit Plant for your garden, Cucumbers are a strong choice for you! YES, THIS IS ALSO A FRUIT! Be aware that they are quite sensitive to the cold, so need to be grown in the warmer times of year, or climates of the world. 

A popular method here is to plant in stages, spreading across your planting area – so as the older plants wilt away, the younger plants move into the space and take over! It is encouraged that you harvest the Cucumbers as they reach a good stage, too – as this helps the plant to start on new growth.

As this Fruit Plant only likes it warm and bright, they tend to grow relatively quickly, within around 6 weeks – so get started once the frost is gone and the soils are warm, and get as much out of the season as you can!

Apple Trees

In all honesty, there are various kinds of Fruiting Trees that would be excellent for this list, but going by sheer weight of yield alone the Apple Tree is a fine choice for anyone looking to add a single plant to their garden. 

Now, the first year of your Tree may not have the greatest return, but this is common for all Fruit Trees, so do not be too disheartened. The following years, for years and years to come, will be stronger – giving you plenty of fruit for whatever your purpose! Resale, eating, baking, charity – whatever your mission, these will do the job!

Be sure to look into proper care and growing methods for your chosen Tree, Apple or Otherwise, and you will achieve great things!

Asian Persimmons

For a Fruit Plant that is as beautiful as it is productive, look no further than the Asian/Oriental Persimmon! Both the plant and the fruit itself combine to create a gorgeous visual addition to any garden, while keeping pace with almost any other fruiting plant in the yard.

Fruiting throughout the summer and into Autumn, you have your yields ready right before the colder months settle in – and in the spring you get some pretty flowers popping up! What’s not to love!

Check for climate information, as these particular Fruit Plants can be temperature sensitive, but if you do your research ahead of time then you should do absolutely fine with these!

Blackberry Plant

Lastly for today’s post, we will take a quick mention of the Blackberry Fruit Plant! The individual fruit here may be smaller than much of what we have looked at already in this article, but the yield is high, and the usefulness is widespread!

The main thing you want to be sure of ahead of time in your planning is that you have plenty of space, as these Fruit Plants like to sprawl and spread around as much as they can – and may require a good amount of maintenance for your space. It all depends on your circumstances and your plans, maybe sprawling is your preference!

Naturally, look up all the specifics you need to know before you jump in so you know what to expect, and give yourself the best chance of success – and you will be feasting on Blackberries before you know it.

Final Thoughts

And that concludes what we have for you today! I hope you found this useful, and if you have any kind words to say – or anything worth adding – please do leave a comment!

For other articles by Showing You the Whey, why not have a look at the Best Fruit and Veg for Humid Climates or just check out the rest of our Website!

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