How To Clean An Oven

Admin/ June 7, 2024

Look, we get it. We don’t all know how to clean an oven. It has been far too long since you dared to open that oven with the intent to clean it out. Same here! It’s effort, it’s scary, and let’s be honest… none of the food you cooked in it has killed you,

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Healthy Snacks You can Make at Home

Admin/ June 2, 2024

  Healthy snacks are not always at the forefront of your thoughts, especially if there are so many other options readily available. If you are anything like me, you have a weakness for snacks, but the main options we have are purchased at the store. Not too bad, right? Well, it would not be

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How To Debone Chicken Thighs

Admin/ May 19, 2024

There is a very good reason to learn how to Debone Chicken Thighs. Now if you have been paying attention to your average shopping trip, the cost of chicken has been going through the roof, much like everything else, and the cheapest pack you can buy is the most flavourful and the most work

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How to Make Cottage Cheese at Home

Admin/ May 29, 2023

As time has gone on, life has gotten exponentially more expensive. Inflation has caused many food items to go up in price. So enjoying simple foods like cheese or bread has become quite a pricey endeavour.  But did you know that you can make a lot of these store-bought foods at home? Cheese, bread,

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Making Your Own Bread — A How To

Admin/ March 14, 2023

The world economy is ever-changing, and seemingly never in favour of the working class. Therefore, Homesteading – or elements of that lifestyle – is making a big resurgence. What better place to start thinking about that, than with making your own bread? So, below we have a step-by-step guide on what you are going

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