Are Laying Hens Easy to Take Care of?

Admin/ November 12, 2023

Chickens can be an amazing addition to your homestead. They eat kitchen scraps, lay eggs and generally make great pets. But you can’t have just one laying hen, you have to have a flock as these are social animals. So, are laying hens easy to take care of? Well, we aim to answer that

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Everything You Need to Know About Owning Laying Hens

Admin/ July 30, 2023

Everything has gotten more expensive, especially in the last few years. In times like these becoming more self-sufficient is more and more essential. Making your own cheese or butter, growing your own veggies, or even keeping chickens for their eggs or meat.  Not everyone has the room to keep laying hens, but if you

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9 Fantastic Egg Laying Chicken Breeds for Backyard Farmers

Admin/ July 3, 2023

As I have said in many articles before this one, the world is spiralling into chaos. Everyday life has consistently gotten more and more pricey. With no real sign of stabilizing or prices coming down any time soon. Because of the skyrocketing prices of everyday goods, it can become near impossible to get good

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What Health Concerns Can Laying Hens Experience?

Admin/ June 18, 2023

What health concerns can laying hens experience? If you are just getting started with chicken keeping, you should probably start learning about what health conditions can afflict these birds. Chickens of all ages, sex, and breeds can be struck down with disease. Because of this, there are certain illnesses that will particularly affect laying

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