Healthy Snacks You can Make at Home

Admin/ June 2, 2024

  Healthy snacks are not always at the forefront of your thoughts, especially if there are so many other options readily available. If you are anything like me, you have a weakness for snacks, but the main options we have are purchased at the store. Not too bad, right? Well, it would not be

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Delicious Homemade Milkshakes

Admin/ April 27, 2024

If you are like me, before long you are going to love these Delicious Homemade Milkshakes. Have you ever been to a dessert takeaway, or a Milkshake and Ice Cream shop on the High Street, and thought to yourself “Wow this is tasty! I wish I could have this all the time!”? Well, we

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How to Make Mascarpone at Home?

Admin/ May 21, 2023

Life keeps getting more and more expensive. With the way the economy is going, purchasing everyday food alone is a struggle. Let alone delicious creamy spreads to brighten your meal times. But you do not need to be chained to the capitalist world forever.  By making small changes to your life, you can improve.

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The Most Delicious Mild Chicken Curry

Admin/ May 8, 2023

Life seems to be getting more and more expensive by the day. Prices are through the roof for simple ingredients. This can make life more unbearable than it needs to be. But you do not have to starve yourself of the good things in life. In fact, you can make your own homemade chicken

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How to Make Mozzarella at Home

Admin/ March 19, 2023

As time has gone on, things have gotten more and more expensive. So purchasing cheese like this from the store can seem somewhat out of reach. Especially on a budget. But, you do not have to subject yourself to bread and water on account of the ever expanding food prices. Luckily for you, it

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