How to Store Fresh Ginger
You take a trip to the grocery store, on the prowl for fresh ginger. Maybe you want to make a delicious meal in a few days, or maybe you want to try your hand at making homemade ginger tea. Regardless, you need to store your fresh ginger until it is needed. But, now that you think of it, you have no idea what the proper practice is.
Luckily for you, I know all about ginger and the right way to store this delicious spice. In this article, I am going to go over the best ways to store fresh ginger at home. So, without further ado, let’s dive right in and get started!
What Are the Best Methods for Storing Fresh Ginger?
There are four main methods for storing fresh ginger, and each one has its merits. It all depends on when you want to use your ginger. Below I have listed each of the four methods and an overview of the method of storage.
1. Freeze your Ginger
This is my favourite method of storing ginger, it lasts the longest using this method, around six months. Just keep the ginger root in a freezer bag or a container and leave it there till you are ready to use it. You can mince the ginger and freeze it in cubes if you prefer, or even peel the ginger. Personally, I don’t peel my ginger and just grate the amount I need when I need it. But it is up to you to pick how you freeze your ginger based on preference.
2. Keep it in the Fridge
Refrigerating ginger is another good option, I recommend placing it in a resealable bag and using it over a month. Be aware that if you peel your ginger it will last two to three weeks, while leaving your ginger unpeeled will last about one month.
3. Leave it Out on the Counter
If you are planning to use your ginger within a few days, you can always leave it out on the counter in a cool spot. Just make sure that your ginger is not left in the sun and that the spot you pick is not too warm.
4. Try Pickling Your Ginger
If you want to store your ginger for around two months, I recommend picking your ginger root. There are many recipes out there on this topic if you want more details. But the basic technique is to peel the ginger, slice it, and fill up a jar with ginger and a solution of vinegar and water. Finally, store your pickled ginger in the refrigerator for about two months.
Final Thoughts
I hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and learning about how to best store ginger at home. There really is not much to the storage of this spice, it usually lasts quite a while if you make sure it does not rot too quickly. So, follow the instructions I have laid out here, and you should be able to keep your ginger fresher for longer.
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In this section, I will be answering some of your most frequently asked questions regarding fresh ginger and the proper storage of this delicious spice. Let’s do this!
Should You Peel Ginger Before Freezing?
There is no right or wrong answer to this question, if you think that peeling your ginger before freezing will make your life easier, then do it. I have found that there is no real difference between the two options, but that could be a personal thing. At the end of the day, do what is right for you and what you prefer when it comes to freezing ginger.
Can You Eat Raw Ginger?
You can indeed eat this delicious spicy root raw if you so choose. It is a very healthy spice and one that can be enjoyed in many different ways. Tea, food, raw, dried, cooked, or even raw, there is no end to the possibilities.
Does Freezing Ginger Affect the Flavour?
From personal experience, I can say that freezing ginger really does not alter the taste of that root. It has the same or similar potency as a fresh ginger left out. So, you can easily freeze your ginger root and rest assured that it will still have that delicious yet potent flavour.
What is the Healthiest Way to Enjoy Ginger?
Technically, just munching on raw ginger is the healthiest. But A close second has to be homemade ginger tea. Making ginger tea is much healthier than drinking ginger-based beverages you buy in stores. This is because there is not much sugar or preservatives in homemade ginger tea, plus you get all the benefits of ginger by consuming it in this form.
How Do You Use Frozen Ginger?
I recommend simply grating the amount you need into the meal or beverage that requires this spice. No need to thaw your frozen root, just make sure you return it to the freezer when you are done.