How to Make Pasta at Home
If you have ever had to live and eat on a tight budget, you will know all too well that there are some things you go to buy every single time to save money. Pasta, for most, is right at the top of that list!
But! Did you know that, with a little extra effort, you can actually make that Pasta yourself, from the comfort of your own home? And to top it off, it really is not complicated or hard! If you want to know more, read on and see just how to do this yourself!
What Are You Going to Need?
Of course, the Pasta isn’t going to make itself – and certainly not out of nothing! So thankfully, we have a list of everything that you’re going to need.
- Mixing Bowl
- Cling Film
- Pasta Cutter/Maker
- 2 Cups of Flour (Your preferred style)
- 3 Eggs
- ½ Teaspoon Salt
- ½ Teaspoon Olive Oil
And that’s it! With all that together, you are ready to get started on making your very first batch of homemade Pasta! Keep reading for the Step By Step!
Step-By-Step Instructions on How to Make Pasta
So, you’re in the kitchen/Pasta making room, you have everything set up that you are going to need. Let’s get started.
Step 1 – Make your Mixture
The first thing you are going to need to do, is add your Flour to the Mixing Bowl. Then, make a nice well in the middle so that you can add in your Eggs, Oil, and Salt. After that, it’s time to get your hands dirty – get stuck in with mixing it all together!
Step 2 – Knead Into Dough
As you continue mixing, you will find the ingredients start to really come together – and you should end up with a rough, almost-ball of stuff. Great! Now you want to take that out of the bowl, wash off any sticky residue from your hands, and start kneading.
For those new to kneading, you want to use the palms of your hands to press down on the ball against your work surface, then peel it up from the edge, make one big fold over that indent you just made, and the press down again. Rinse and repeat until you have a soft, smooth, malleable ball of Dough! This should take around 10 minutes, but larger batches may take longer.
Step 3 – Leave to Rest
Okay, with your fresh Dough in hand, wrap it up in cling film, and leave it somewhere warm for around 30 minutes.
Step 4 – Prepare to Process
Wow. Time passes so quickly. Now it’s time to get ready for using your Pasta Maker!
Take your Dough, and hand-roll it out into a sort of thick sausage. Then split that sausage into a series of small balls – to fit into the Roller of the Pasta Maker. Then set up your Pasta Maker with your preferred attachment/Roller for the style of Pasta that you want.
Step 5 – Start Rolling!
So, take your balls one at a time, with the toggle set to 0/Zero on your Pasta Maker, and roll them through once. Keep toggling up steadily through the settings until your pasta is at a nice thickness – to your preference. We tend to go up to 7.
Then, take your elongated Pasta sheets, and do with them what you will! If you want Sheets, then cut them at the length you want – and you’re done!
Step 6 – Style to Preference
If you want more of a noodle, however, then you are going to need one of your cutting roller attachments for your Pasta Maker next. Or any style that you want to go for and have an attachment for.
Take your sheets and feed them through the new attachment as you roll, and you will see them start to get cleanly sliced into narrower forms – or whatever it is you are rolling through!
That’s it! You now have a batch of formed, ready to cook, homemade Pasta! How does that feel?
Different Pasta Mixes
Sometimes, plain Pasta isn’t quite what you want to make – so why not try some of these ideas we found online:
- Key Ingredient – Appropriately titled Flavoured Pasta, this recipe includes all kinds of optional extras like Spinach, Tomato, and Beets!
- Garden Betty – Another selection of options, including (but not limited to) Squid Ink Pasta!
- Alpha Foodie – Last, but by no means least, a colourful version of Rainbow Pasta!
Final Thoughts
That brings us to a close on making Pasta at home. I hope that you found this useful, if not entertaining! Make all the Pasta you like, experiment, and don’t be disheartened if it doesn’t work out right away! It is a process. Go with the flow.
With all of that said, if you have enjoyed reading this article, you should absolutely check out some of our other articles! We have things on the Easiest Veg to Grow, or if you would rather know Which Cheeses Require Rennet, we have that too!
Thanks for taking the time to support us, and we hope to see you in the next post!
I really need to get a pasta maker so I can do this with my kids!!!