How to Make Mascarpone at Home?

Admin/ May 21, 2023/ Cheese, Dairy/ 0 comments

Life keeps getting more and more expensive. With the way the economy is going, purchasing everyday food alone is a struggle. Let alone delicious creamy spreads to brighten your meal times. But you do not need to be chained to the capitalist world forever. 

By making small changes to your life, you can improve. For example, if you love Mascarpone cheese, you might want to learn how to make it at home. That is what we are going to discuss in this article. 

So, without further ado, let’s dive right in and get started!

What Are You Going to Need?

There are inevitably going to be a few things that you need to make a delicious batch of mascarpone cheese. You only need two ingredients to make this delicious cheese, You can see what you need down below: 

  • Heavy Cream – This recipe calls for 2 ½ cups of heavy cream. 
  • Lemon Juice – This recipe calls for 2 ½ tablespoons of lemon juice. 

With just these three ingredients you should be well on your way to making your own delicious Mascarpone cheese!

Step-By-Step Instructions on How to Make Mascarpone

It is super easy to make mascarpone cheese at home. In fact, you only need to follow the six steps we have listed in this section. 

Step 1 – Allow Heavy Cream to Simmer

The first thing you need to do is pour your heavy cream into a small pot or saucepan and allow it to simmer on the stovetop. Make sure it is only on a medium heat.                                                                                                                                            

Step 2 – Add Lemon Juice 

Once your heavy cream is simmering, add the lemon juice to the pot and whisk it in until you notice that the cream is thickening. Allow this mixture to simmer and reduce for between thirteen and fifteen minutes. 

Step 3 – Put the Pan in an Ice Bath

Your mascarpone cheese needs to be thickened before you take the pot off the hob. But, when it has reached a lovely thick consistency place your pan in an ice bath and allow it to cool for approximately ten minutes. 

Step 4 – Add Your Cream Cheese to a Lined Sieve

Once the mascarpone has cooled, prepare a sieve and line it with a cheesecloth. Make sure that your sieve is placed over a large mixing bowl before you pour the contents of the pan into your lined sieve. 

Step 5 – Refrigerate Your Cheese for Twenty-Four Hours

Pull the corners of your cheesecloth over the cream cheese. Make sure that the cheese is completely covered before you store the cheese in the refrigerator. Leave it there for a minimum of twenty-four hours. 

Step 6 – Enjoy Your Mascarpone Cheese

Once your cheese has set for a full twenty-four hours, it should be perfectly set and ready to use however you see fit. You should have 1 ¼ cups of mascarpone cheese from this recipe. Cover your cheese and store it in the fridge for four days and use it in that time as you see fit.

A Few Great Mascarpone Recipes

For those of you that might need a recipe to follow with a bit more detail, this section is going to be perfect for you. I have found three recipes that I thought were the best, make sure to check them out below to learn more: 

  • Food Wishes If you want to learn how to make authentic mascarpone cheese, this is a fantastic recipe that might suit you. 
  • An Italian in My Kitchen This is another great option if you want to make your own phenomenal creamy mascarpone cheese at home. 
  • Recipes from Italy This is a great yet simplistic recipe that might suit you if you need a delicious and easy-to-make mascarpone cheese recipe. 

You would be surprised at how many fantastic mascarpone cheese recipes there are online. But these are my personal favourites. My recipe is obviously the best, but these are a close second. 

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, you have enjoyed reading this article and learning about how you can make Mascarpone cheese at home. It really is super easy to do. 

All you need is some heavy cream, lemon juice, and the six steps we have laid out. With these two things, you should be able to whip up a decent and delicious batch of this famous cheese.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this article and learning how to make your own delightful mascarpone cheese at home. If you want to learn how to make different types of cheese, and bread or how to grow fruit and veggies in your back garden, you need to check out my site. 

I have a ton of fun and interesting articles there. You are sure to find something that will pique your interest. From homemade butter, to how to grow your own vegetables, we have it all!

Thanks for reading!

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