How to Make Burrata at Home

Admin/ June 18, 2023/ Cheese, Dairy/ 0 comments

As time has gone on, life has gotten exponentially more expensive. Inflation has caused many food items to go up in price. So enjoying simple foods like cheese or bread has become quite a pricey endeavour. 

But did you know that you can make a lot of these store-bought goods at home? Cheese, bread and most other foods can actually be made at home. In this case, I am going to go over how you can make Burrata Cheese at home. It is far easier than you might think!

So, without further ado, let’s dive right in and get started!

What Are You Going to Need?

There are inevitably going to be a few things that you need to make a delicious batch of Burrata Cheese. There are a few pieces of equipment that will make your life easier while you are making Burrata Cheese. I have listed everything below:

  • Large Pot – Make Sure that it has a Heavy Bottom.
  • Thermometer – A Good Quality Thermometer Will Work Best.
  • Slotted Spoon – You Will Do Better with a Large Slotted Spoon. 
  • Glass Bowl – You Will Require a Good Quality Glass Bowl. 
  • Gloves – Good Quality Gloves that Fit Properly Will Be Best.
  • Measuring Spooks – You Will Need a Range of Measuring Spoons. 

I have listed the ingredients you will need down below: 

  • Whole Milk – 1 Gallon Of Whole Milk.
  • Heavy Cream – This recipe calls for ½ Cup Of Heavy Cream.
  • Tablet Rennet – ¼ Tablet Rennet that Has Been Dissolved in ¼ Cup of Water.
  • Citric Acid – 1 ½ Teaspoon of Citric Acid that is Dissolved in ½ Cup of Water. 
  • Cheese Salt – 1 Teaspoon of Cheese Salts.

With just these three ingredients you should be well on your way to making your own delicious Burrata Cheese!

Step-By-Step Instructions on How to Make Burrata Cheese

At this point you should have everything you need to get started with your Burrata Cheese. We have laid out each of the steps you need to follow in order to make this delicious creamy cheese at home:

Step 1 – Warm Up Your Milk and Acidify It

The first thing you need to do is warm your milk and citric acid up by putting it on a medium heat. Allow your solution to reach 32 degrees Celsius before you add the diluted rennet solution. Stir this mixture for about 30 seconds before moving on to the next step.

Step 2 – Gently Stir Until a Thick Curd Forms

As you are stirring the milk you should notice a thick curd starting to form. Stay the course and allow your milk to continue heating while you gently stir the contents. Continue until the milk has reached 40 degrees Celsius. At this point you need to take your pot off the heat and allow it to rest for about 5 minutes.                                                                                                                          

Step 3 – Cut the Curds Once they have Set

While Your curds and whey are resting, fill a large bowl with room temperature water. This water bath will be used soon. Cut your curds into cubes before you scoop them out into a large bowl that is microwave safe. Drain the excess whey as you do this.  

Step 4 – Get the Filling Ready

To prepare your filling you should take 1 cup of curds and pour them into a separate bowl and mix in your heavy cream with just a little salt. Set this bowl aside for later.

Step 5 – Stretch the Mozzarella

You will now need to fold and stretch your mozzarella cheese. You can use a wooden spoon for this process. Once the curds start to look kind of elastic you can start using your hands to stretch the cheese further. Your cheese should be super smooth to the touch and have an elastic quality to it. 

Step 6 – Prepare Your Mozzarella Pouches

Stretch your mozzarella balls into thin pouches. You are essentially trying to make a disk that you can wrap your filling in. 

An easy way to make these pouches is to take a mozzarella ball and poke a hole most of the way through. Use this divot to make a thin disk that will be able to fill later on. Make sure to do this one at a time so that the mozzarella does not cool down too quickly. 

Step 7 – Fill Your Mozzarella Pouches

Fill your pouch with the curds and cream before you twist the edges to gather to create a ball filled with a delicious soft cheese centre. Place your burrata cheese in a cool water bath so that it does not continue to stretch. 

Step 8 – Rinse and Repeat

Continue this process for the rest of your mozzarella cheese. At the end, you should have several delicious balls of burrata cheese that you can use for tons of great recipes.                                                                                              

A Few Great Burrata Cheese Recipes

If you want to learn about a few recipes that you can use to make tasty Burrata cheese recipes, this section will be perfect for you. Below are some of my favourite delicious burrata cheese dishes that you can make at home: 

  • Burrata Cheese Salad If you want to make a tasty, healthy and cheesy burrata salad dish, this recipe will be just what you have been looking for. 
  • Burrata Bruschetta Toasts  – If you want to make a simple yet luxurious summery lunch dish that you can make at home, you need to check out this recipe.
  • Burrata Cheese Pizza Everybody loves pizza, so why not make a decadent burrata pizza at home? It is super easy and you will love the taste. 

There are countless things you can use burrata cheese for. You can marinate it, add it to salads, grill it, put it on top of pizza or anything else you can imagine. The recipe we have here are just a few ideas that I thought you might find interesting. 

Final Thoughts

Hopefully you have enjoyed reading this article and learning about how you can make Burrata Cheese at home. It really is super easy to do. Just make sure that you have all the right ingredients and the equipment. With those two things, you should be able to whip up a decent and delicious batch of this famous cheese.

With all of that said, if you have enjoyed reading this article, and learning about making this tasty cheese you should absolutely check out our website. We have a wide range of fantastic homesteading and self-sufficiency articles available for you to peruse. From how to make whether it is easy or not to become self sufficient to which fruits and veggies are hardest to grow.

Thanks for reading!

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