Growing Food Plants in Small Spaces – the Best Options
Unfortunately for many of us, space is hard to come by. This is especially true when looking for places to grow food plants, and it can be difficult to get around. Difficult, but not impossible. We say that because, in the end, growing food plants in small spaces is very doable – you simply need to know what works, and what doesn’t!
In this article, we will go through some of the best food plants that you can grow in smaller spaces. Some will be better suited to small, outside spaces, but many of these can be grown indoors if necessary, too.
From tomatoes to lettuce, there are plenty of options to try out, depending on your circumstances.
Don’t feel like reading the whole article? Here’s the breakdown: consider growing blueberries, strawberries, redcurrants, tomatoes, hot peppers, and aubergines (eggplants) if you want to grow fruit. For vegetables, options like carrots, watercress, spring onions, chard, lettuce, and pole beans are fantastic options.
Growing Food Plants in Small Spaces – Fruit
Blueberries are a classic. Delicious, easy to grow, and always useful, these plants do well in small gardens. You can grow them in pots if you prefer, but make sure you get the right type. Not all blueberry bushes will thrive in small spaces, so do your research before jumping into the deep end.
Strawberries are fantastic for small spaces, and grow wonderfully in pots. We used to have a ceramic tiered strawberry planter (a lot like this one) and our plants would thrive. As long as you allow these beauties to get enough light, they will be perfect for small gardens, balconies, or even a bright spot in the house.
Redcurrants will do well in many different places, including those shady spots! While they might not taste as good compared to when in full sun, they don’t need a whole lot of space to grow into healthy plants. They do well in pots, too, so if you wanted to keep them indoors, you technically could!
Tomatoes are a classic, and they can do remarkably well in smaller spaces. Get a variety of cherry tomatoes or another small type, and give the plant the support it needs. Like many other plants, these do well when they have a stake or something similar to offer support.
Hot Peppers
Yes, there are many different kinds of hot peppers, but they all generally do well in smaller spaces. Better yet, they thrive in pots. So, if you have a conservatory or another sunny room, there’s a good chance that hot peppers will be a fantastic addition. You can also grow them in a small garden – whatever works best for you.
Finally, aubergines (or eggplants)! These are botanically considered fruit, so you’ll have to deal with them being on this list. Aubergines, like their close relatives peppers and tomatoes, thrive in pots. They don’t need a lot of space to grow and bear fruit, provided the rest of their needs are met.
Growing Food Plants in Small Spaces – Vegetables
Pole Beans
If you want to explore vertical planting and love beans, consider growing pole beans in your small space. You can grow them in your garden or in a pot, provided to offer them the support they need in the form of cages, stakes, or another trellis of some kind.
Not all lettuce will thrive in small spaces. However, there are many varieties of lettuce that you can grow on balconies or even indoors. The best options are cut-and-come-again varieties, which allow you to pick a few leaves at a time whenever you need them, like the Salad Bowl or Lollo Rossa types.
Like lettuce, spinach is fantastic for picking the leaves when you need them. Spinach can grow very quickly, too, which offers great greens at any time of year. Grow spinach in pots or in the ground outside, and you are bound to get great results.
Spring Onions
Spring onions are another vegetable type that will grow quickly and thrive in smaller spaces. You will need to keep track of when you plant these, though, as you don’t want them to start bulbing up and essentially turn into mini “regular” onions.
As long as you have a nicely waterlogged plant pot and a spot that is bright without direct sun, watercress will thrive. Most people enjoy watercress in salads, but you can use them in soups, sauces, and casseroles, too. It’s easy to grow, and takes up very little space – especially when grown vertically.
The classic carrots are another fantastic option if you don’t have a lot of space for growing vegetables. They thrive in smaller spaces, and will grow wonderfully outside in the garden, or even on the balcony provided they get the right conditions.
Final Thoughts
Who knew so many plants would thrive in smaller spaces? Sure, some will still need more space than you might have, but there should be plenty of great options to get you started.
If you want to learn more about gardening, why not stick around? Learn about growing herbs, which plants attract and repel the most insects, and so much more. You can even find out which vegetables have the greatest yield, and which fruits and vegetables are suited to warm and cool climates.
For the beginners, why not dive into what you should know before you start gardening? From there, you can learn about how you can use whey in gardening, which fruits and vegetables are easy to grow, and even the different types of gardening (and what you should never do in a garden).
Rather not grow the food, and just cook it instead? Try our pizza recipe! Or homemade lemon bars on shortbread, pasta, or a delicious chicken curry – you won’t regret it.