Best Vegetable Plants to Grow in a Hot Climate

Admin/ March 3, 2024/ Gardening/ 0 comments

Everyone that thinks of Vegetable Plants growing to their best has a picture in their mind – mine tends to think of various rows of farmland in the warm countryside, across Europe, ready to be harvested and brought to a local market. 

But which Vegetable Plants thrive when you turn up the heat? Read on to find out our top picks!



First up on here we have the legendary Tomato! YES – THIS IS A FRUIT, but most people get that wrong, so it’s GOING IN HERE! This is one that we ourselves had a crack at in 2023 using some seeds we pulled out of store bought Tomatoes – and it was going well! Right up until we realized we planted just a little bit too late in the year. They grew beautifully, but didn’t quite have time to ripen before the cold set in, and they sadly perished.

But the joy of Tomatoes is that from every little seed that you nurture into a Tomato Plant (at the right time of year for your climate), you will get back a fair few Tomatoes! So if you are planting a garden full of these seeds, you are going to get a lot of return! The average Tomato Plant will produce 20 to 90 Tomatoes, so you can imagine what that looks like when you start farming a patch! 

If your climate remains warmer for longer, Tomatoes will thrive in a much longer time period than for us here in Scotland, making these a much easier Vegetable Plant to grow for you than me. If not, then pay attention to your seasons and weather!

Remember to look up everything you need to know about growing your Tomatoes in your climate, and how to prune these plants! Many leaves and shoots can yield nothing and get in the way, so prune regularly to ensure all the available energy is going into the end result!


Next we are looking at the Eggplant! Yes, those lovely purpley bulbous Vegetable Plants that you see in sexting everywhere. If you thought that they were all about getting hot and sweaty, you are still absolutely right as these things just love it hot and humid – warm and wet, if you will. 

One of your best friends for versatility in the kitchen, there is almost no end to the varied usefulness of this particular plant, not to mention their health benefits. Just make sure you are able to give them enough sun, heat, and watering as they need to grow up healthy and large.

As always, be sure to look up everything you need for your specific circumstances, and you will give yourself the best chances of success.


If you have it warm, why not add a little chilli to your life! This is one type of Vegetable plant that not only likes it hot, but also relatively dry – not needing a great deal of watering to keep them happy.

They do, however, want to soak up quite a number of hours of direct sunlight every day – 6 to 8 hours in fact. These grow best with a minimum temperature of around 15 degrees Celsius, and highs of up to 30 degrees Celsius – over which you can end up reducing your fruiting potential.

It is well advised to use a greenhouse for these, and ventilate them well if your heats get up too high, but look into anything you want to grow with a fine focus to ensure you are taking the best approach.


Every type of squash is in dire need of a warmer temperature in order to properly grow – ideally around 18-21 degrees Celsius! A well maintained, controlled environment is, therefore, the best option.

With a taste for roughly 5 hours of direct sunlight a day, these are certainly light guzzling Vegetable Plants that like it warm, and when it comes to water they are no different! Regular, and deep, watering keeps your squashes growing to their best!

Now, as you know, look up your specifics in greater detail before you get started for the best results, and you can be well on your way to your first harvest before long!


Lastly on todays list, we have the Asparagus bean, or Long Bean. These love it particularly hot, with average temperatures between 25 and 35 degrees Celsius! They also guzzle that water down, but once properly germinated you can dial that back a bit. 

Loving the sun, these Vegetable Plants want around 6 hours of direct sunlight a day for their ideal growth conditions. Never forget to look into the specifics of any plant you want to grow though and you will always be able to make it happen to the best of your ability!

Final Thoughts

That brings us to the end of this brief look at Hot Climate Vegetables! If you have enjoyed this post, leave us a comment – or if you have any suggestions, you can comment those too!

For other articles by Showing You the Whey, why not have a look at Fruit Plants with High Yield?

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